Month: September 2005

Workaround to IE Google Maps Bug

Last night I finally figured out a workaround to a frustrating Google Maps issue in Internet Explorer.

I've seen IE have problems with perfectly valid HTML in many other cases. Here's the latest IE issue.

You can't enclose a Google Map within a <div> tag and have the Google Map render correctly in Internet Explorer. I think even enclosing Google Maps within a table has issues in IE. Using the <div> tag works correctly in FireFox and other browsers though.

Here is someone else who had the same issue

The workaround is to use tables or other elements to format you page instead of the <div> tag.

Here is the working Google map that shows all of the Eastern Orthodox parishes in North Texas. Very cool! 

Zimbra Beta Shows Promising Use of AJAX

The new beta from Zimbra™ looks promising. They make extensive use of AJAX technology -- the power behind Google Maps that makes server based applications behave more like desktop software.

Zimbra™ Collaboration Suite Open Source Project Beta Launch Zimbra is a community for building and maintaining next generation collaboration technology. Currently, this technology is available as a beta version. At Zimbra, our goal is to make e-mail, calendar, contacts and other communications technologies the best they can be. We believe that by opening the technology to the community we will insure that we can maximize innovation, scale and the ability to co-exist with existing messaging systems.

View the Zimbra™ Demo


Is RSS a Replacement for E-mail Marketing?

Some recent stats on RSS technology: 

A recent Jupiter Research study found that only 3 percent of the 4,000 internet users surveyed actually use RSS. A research study from Forrester Research claims that only 2 percent of all online households in America are using RSS. A Pew Internet & American Life Project report notes that only 9 percent of Americans online have a good idea of what RSS feeds are.


So does that mean RSS is not important? Not at all. Consider these facts:

Right now 87 percent of influencers, such as journalists and analysts, are using RSS to collect key information and are adopting RSS as an information gathering and tracking tool, according to a recent Nooked survey. Furthermore, Microsoft has already announced full RSS support in the upcoming Windows Vista operating system and Internet Explorer 7, which will ensure mainstream RSS adoption.

Read full article: RSS Marketing Studies

Extending Firefox for Web Developers

Some best-of-breed FireFox extentions for web developers: 

The Mozilla Firefox browser is probably the greatest webbrowser in the world on it’s own. But ever since it’s extension feature matured around the release of Firefox 1.0 it has been an absolute killer application! For web developers it has become the ultimate tool to inspect, debug and test and for users it has become the greatest platform for making a browser that suit their specific needs.

Read the list: Extending Firefox for Web Developers


Linux 40% cheaper than Windows, claims IBM

After two years of Microsoft-sponsored research heralding the benefits of Windows over Linux comes this report from IBM:

Linux's total cost of operation (TCO) is typically 40% lower than Windows, according to an IBM-sponsored report from Robert Frances Group, publicized by IBM this week.

Who to trust more, Microsoft or IBM? Hmmm... Read full article at Computerworld

Harnessing your interstitial time

A great article on filling downtime. Think about occasions when:

  • You're stuck on hold with technical support
  • You're waiting for a disk utility to finish defragging your hard drive
  • You're in a line at the DMV that will take at least an hour
  • Your flight's been delayed for an indeterminate amount of time
  • Your boss's kid has entitilitis, so the morning meeting (that you'd spent all night preparing for) has been bumped back to 2:00 pm

Read article: Harnessing your interstitial time


What Is It?

  • A Moleskine hack.
  • An extreme Moleskine hack.
  • A simplified GTD system.
  • A complete personal management system for those who's needs aren't too complicated.
  • A rather over-the-top system for dealing with just the capturing and processing end of GTD.

Read more

Comprehensive list of 325+ WordPress 1.5 Themes

Need a blog theme for WordPress? 

WordPress 1.5 uses a new system that takes the template to the next level -- themes. Not only are there many themes which are freely available to download and use in your own blog, but you can use Ryan Boren's ThemeSwitcher plugin to allow your weblog visitors to change your blog's theme on the fly.

See the themes themes.