Author: Stan Shinn

Stan is a seasoned digital strategist professional with broad Fortune 1000 and financial services sector experience. His specializations include accessibility, digital strategy and product roadmaps, large-scale digital projects, complex web redesigns, and enterprise website governance. Stan is also a published author and active innovator.

Drawing the Line

In order to carve out time for writing, sometimes you have to draw the line and cut off the email spigot. How?

How? As this 43 Folders article says, this include finding automation and economies of scale. Some examples:

  • add info on your Contact page explaining what people can expect from you
  • use auto-responses and email template sstating when you are away or can't be reached
  • where necessary send short responses to clarify when you’ll be available again

It's all about setting expectations.

2 Hours + 2 Hours is Not Equal to 4 Hours

A great quote from Stephenson’s “Why I am a Bad Correspondent” -- why writing is hard work requiring long, uninterrupted spans of time:

Writing novels is hard, and requires vast, unbroken slabs of time. Four quiet hours is a resource that I can put to good use. Two slabs of time, each two hours long, might add up to the same four hours, but are not nearly as productive as an unbroken four. If I know that I am going to be interrupted, I can’t concentrate, and if I suspect that I might be interrupted, I can’t do anything at all. Likewise, several consecutive days with four-hour time-slabs in them give me a stretch of time in which I can write a decent book chapter, but the same number of hours spread out across a few weeks, with interruptions in between them, are nearly useless.

Using a Spreadsheet to Track Submissions

Tracking Writing issues the second in a series on

The simplest way to track submissions is using a spreadsheet program like Excel. You could also use an online spreadsheet like Google Docs. Create a new spreadsheet and put the following as column headers:

Title of Piece | Length | Genre/Type | Query or Submission? |Market Submitted to | Market’s Address | Pay | Date Sent | Response Time | Response (Y/N) | Accepted? (Y/N) | Due date | Publish date | Pay date | Paid? (Y/N)


Tune in to their site their site for future articles on this topic.

Writing Full-Screen in Google Documents

full-screen-google-docsRead below to learn about gDarkRoom -- a Google Documents tweak tailored to provide a full-screen writing console with these features:

  • Full-screen editing usable from any computer
  • Automatic backups of your documents
  • Write full-screen on the road and sync your document back up once you reconnect to the Internet

I have long used full-screen text editors for banging out fiction. Having the old-school dark full-screen -- free from distractions -- makes for the ideal writing environment. Some of the full-screen editors I have used in the past:

I like to store my writing in Google Documents. The portability can't be beat (you can log in and read and edit your documents from any computer). And best of all, Google Documents provides built in version control so you can always go back and find old text you've (perhaps accidently) deleted. So in the past I've used one of the above software packages to write my fiction, and then pasted it into Google Documents after the fact.


Google has recently added a Full-Screen mode. (Hint: it's under the View menu, or you can click Ctrl-Shift-F). They have also added a feature called 'Edit CSS' (CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet -- a feature to change the look and feel of web pages). This, combined with the Google Gears software allows you to write full-screen from any computer with or without Internet access.

How? By using the 'Edit CSS' feature, you can add CSS code.

Note this part in particular -- this is monitor size specific. You may want to increase or descrease the "260pt" to change the side margins and make corresponding change to the "520pt" width until you get the settings right for you monitor:

.pageview body {
background-color: #000000 !important; /* Make the background color black */
width: 520pt !important; /* Page width */
padding: 0pt 260pt 0pt 260pt; /* Side Margins */
margin: 0;


To the right is the resulting look and feel. In full-screen mode you no longer have access to the menus, so it's useful to know Google Documents' keyboard shortcuts and to remember that Esc brings you back to the normal mode.

To style the search bar at the bottom of the screen black, you can download and install the NASA Night Launch Theme for FireFox.

Here is the full CSS code I use to achieve these font effects:

/* Full Screen Editing Style (for 1240x1024 resolution monitor) */
body {
background-color: #000000 !important;
font-family: Garamond !important;
font-size: 18pt !important;
color: #D0A000;

.pageview body {
background-color: #000000 !important;
width: 520pt !important;
padding: 0pt 260pt 0pt 260pt;
margin: 0;

h1 {
padding-top: 26px;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-family: Garamond;
font-size: 22pt;
color: red;
border-bottom: 3px double red;
h2 {
background: url('File?id=ad8wdwbvms_905cwjztrfc_b') no-repeat top left;
padding-top: 12px;
padding-left: 32px;
font-family: Garamond;
font-size: 18pt;
color: #003300;
border-bottom: 2px solid #003300;
h3 {
background: url('File?id=ad8wdwbvms_906cb8g4mgj_b') no-repeat top left;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-left: 32px;
font-family: Garamond;
font-size: 14pt;
color: #003300;
border-bottom: 1px solid #003300;