Need creative design but don't want to start from scratch? Logic Arts Corporation announced the availability of "The InDesign Ideabook" (ISBN: 0-9669587-5-6, $59.95), "The QuarkXPress Ideabook" (ISBN: 0-9669587-6-4, $59.95), and "The PageMaker Ideabook" (ISBN: 0-9669587-4-8, $59.95) by author and designer Chuck Green. Each 276 page Ideabook includes 315 professional-quality design templates on a dual-format (Mac and Windows) CD-ROM. The books catalog the templates, tackle the basics of design, production, and marketing, and feature related topics such as working with illustrators and photographers, choosing paper, and working with commercial printers.

Says author Chuck Green:

Re-inventing the wheel every time you start a project is a waste of billable time. A well designed template provides a detailed framework on which to build—a comprehensive styles palette, page sizes, folds, margins, placeholders, columns, gutters, and so on. Instead of spending 15 or 30 minutes to create a simple brochure, you'll spend 10 seconds. For the complex projects such as books, newsletters, catalogs, and reports, even an experienced designer will save, literally, hours.

Each Ideabook includes 19 categories of templates: advertisements, books & booklets, brochures, business & rotary cards, calendars & forms, cards, invitations & notes, catalogs & product sheets, certificates, correspondence & messages, direct mail & postcards, flyers, folders & binders, labels & tags, newsletters, packaging, posters & signs, presentations & publicity, promotional materials, reports & proposals.

Read more: New Template Collections Help Print Designers Optimize Output