Category: Accessibility

Stan Talks Accessibility on the ‘Go Beyond’ Podcast

I was a guest on Pursuant's Aug 29, 2023 'Go Beyond' podcast where I spoke on the topic of accessibility. You can listen to it here.

Here's the description: "Steve Jobs famously wanted the iPhone design to be so simple that a child could use it just by picking it up. As a result, Apple set the standard for inclusive and accessible design. And in an age where our interactions grow more digital by the day, accessibility can't be overlooked. In this episode of the Go Beyond Fundraising podcast, we're talking with Stan Shinn, Mark Leta, Kacey Crawford, and Russ Chettiar on why accessibility matters and how nonprofits can achieve it. Now is the perfect time to ensure your digital campaigns and websites comply with accessibility standards. With end-of-the-year appeals being developed and sent out before you know it, you'll want to ensure that every piece is fully optimized for its target audience. Let's dig in."

Improving Accessibility Awareness

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, ensuring accessibility isn't just a one-time project -- it's an ongoing commitment. To truly embed accessibility into your company's DNA, it's crucial to raise awareness and get your entire team on board. In this article, I'll explore effective strategies to bolster accessibility awareness within your organization and foster a culture of inclusivity.

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Practical Implementation of Accessibility

Let's look into the practical aspects of making your digital content accessible.

Website Accessibility

When it comes to website accessibility, there are several key practices to keep in mind. Some of these changes can be easily implemented within your content management system (CMS), while others, like semantic HTML, may require the expertise of professionals.

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Evaluating Your Accessibility Progress

Let's explore the process of evaluating your accessibility efforts, ensuring that your digital content is inclusive and equitable for all.

Conducting an Accessibility Audit

Our first order of business is what we like to call the "accessibility audit." Think of it as a little detective work into the accessibility of your digital presence.

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Measuring and Managing Accessibility

Today I'd like to talk about the crucial need to measure and manage digital accessibility. Concrete results and progress matters. Let's explore how to gauge the impact of your accessibility efforts, set key performance indicators (KPIs), celebrate achievements, and keep the momentum going.

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Stan Talks Accessibility at the Nonprofit Quarterly Webinar

I was a speaker an Oct. 17, 2023 Nonprofit Quarterly webinar where I spoke on the topic of accessibility. You can listen to it here.

Some of the topics we covered included:

  • Digital accessibility definitions, standards, best practices as well as its impact on campaign success
  • Key dimensions of accessibility, including visual, auditory, physical, and cognitive considerations.
  • Practical tools and strategies for ongoing accessibility monitoring and enhancement
  • The legal implications and potential risks associated with inaccessible digital communications
  • How to overcome common barriers to implementing accessibility, from budget constraints to technical challenges