I was a guest on Pursuant's Aug 29, 2023 'Go Beyond' podcast where I spoke on the topic of accessibility. You can listen to it here.

Here's the description: "Steve Jobs famously wanted the iPhone design to be so simple that a child could use it just by picking it up. As a result, Apple set the standard for inclusive and accessible design. And in an age where our interactions grow more digital by the day, accessibility can't be overlooked. In this episode of the Go Beyond Fundraising podcast, we're talking with Stan Shinn, Mark Leta, Kacey Crawford, and Russ Chettiar on why accessibility matters and how nonprofits can achieve it. Now is the perfect time to ensure your digital campaigns and websites comply with accessibility standards. With end-of-the-year appeals being developed and sent out before you know it, you'll want to ensure that every piece is fully optimized for its target audience. Let's dig in."