I've seen several 'How Do Chatbots and LLMs Work?' videos, but I think this one is a perfect introduction video that you could share regardless of a person's technical knowledge. I like simple videos like this to help people understand that AIs like ChatGPT, which use Large Language Models, aren't some magical, sentient computer creatures.

When you get down to its basics, the AI is just guessing the next letter in a sentence using an amazingly large database. If you play around with chatbots for a bit, you'll soon see that the 'guess the next letter' technique works really well for some tasks (rewriting your messy notes from a meeting) but not others (doing complex math). Chatbots are also still apt to 'hallucinate' where they flat-out make things up.

Despite the fact that a chatbot is just 'really good at guessing', we still want to find guardrails to make sure chatbots and AI are used ethically and safely.  Open AI (the ChatGPT folks) recently announced they were carving out 20% of their annual budget to find ways to put safeguards on their AI. I personally would like to see all knowledge workers get at least a basic understanding of AI so that we can use it responsibly.