Let's explore the process of evaluating your accessibility efforts, ensuring that your digital content is inclusive and equitable for all.

Conducting an Accessibility Audit

Our first order of business is what we like to call the "accessibility audit." Think of it as a little detective work into the accessibility of your digital presence.

This audit encompasses a thorough examination of your website, social media platforms, emails, and all other digital assets. The goal is to determine how accessible they are to individuals of all abilities. Rest assured, you don't need to be a tech genius to do this. There are tools and checklists readily available to assist you in identifying accessibility issues, such as missing alt text for images or videos lacking captions.

Identifying Gaps in Your Digital Content

Once you've completed your accessibility audit, chances are you'll unearth some gaps – areas where your content falls short in terms of accessibility. These gaps could manifest as challenges for individuals with visual impairments, difficulties in reading website text, or the absence of subtitles in your videos. Recognizing these gaps is a pivotal step towards rectifying them.

Establishing a Baseline for Improvement

With the gaps identified, it's time to establish a baseline for improvement. This entails determining your current starting point and setting achievable goals for where you aspire to be. Think of it as marking the starting line and the finish line for a race. This baseline serves as a benchmark against which you can measure your progress as you work diligently to enhance the accessibility of your digital content.

Making Accessibility Part of Your Culture

As you continue on this path towards greater accessibility, remember that every step you take not only improves your digital landscape but also contributes to the cultivation of a corporate culture that values inclusivity and accessibility. By prioritizing accessibility, you're not merely enhancing your online presence; you're fostering an organizational ethos that embraces diversity and equality. It's about creating a digital environment that is not only user-friendly but also welcoming and inclusive to all individuals, both within and outside your organization.